But the next time I saw him, he looked so different. Apparently, in the few years we'd spent not talking, he had gone and slept with two more of our colleagues (one of which was an actual public relationship). It was incredible--the amount of gossip that went around in a tiny office like ours. Every single disagreement was documented. If someone made a small snide comment under their breath, everyone would've heard of it by lunch. Everything was everyone's business. And--it was known--if you didn't want people nosing around, don't bring it to work.
Anyway, so, where was I? Right. I was nosing around in someone else's business. This is just, you know, what I heard. After his affair with J ended (with her moving 3 cities away, taking her kids, and dodging any attempt he made to contact her), he slipped into invariable anonymity at work. Everything went on as it did, and it wasn't until I left the company that I heard anything to do with him.
We had, well, one of our senior team leads, she was a larger woman. I'm trying to be nice, but she was morbidly obese, let's be real. She wasn't the most charming lady either, okay. Overall, not really 'girlfriend material'. Maybe not to most men. But! You see, our protagonist here isn't most men. He didn't see an overweight overpaid secretary with less than ideal honesty issues. He saw an opportunity.