05 October, 2013

Destroy thyself,

How then,
the singular vague commandment twisting like bracken vines
two birds with one stone, maybe three, a flock
by the end of the world, I will have you
on your side crazily rocking the rocking of a hundred geological chairs
ash and boulder -- where did i go wrong

How then,
slices of restrain, the cuts and scratches clawing deteriorate
drive this horrible rental off the side of my pristine path-paved mountain
made entirely of powder, press them against your cheeks as
the blood will stain the ballgowns gathered at the foot of my rocktower

How then,
in my voicelessness, refusing to tremble before you, high and mighty
suffocating drowning in years lost to being closet-kept
unwilling, don't don't don't don't don't all the lives i cannot have
the answer kept gut-deep, bones rattling, with all the things I have been forced to swallow.

what good does light if not in the darkness.