18 April, 2013

17: Hello

sometimes almost is better than already/ sometimes almost
is good for you/ sometimes almost loves you more than

i have never seen you like this and/ i never wanted
to but/ you looked into my eyes for too long after/ i
had been staring into everyone else's

i hope to keep you as/ far from my mess as possible
i just/ don't want to ruin you because you are not
mine to ruin or/ make mine at all

you almost/ went and did what no one has/ ever tried to
go and do/ and i don't know how to feel but/ there is an
ease that sits between/ our arms when we brush and it/
startles me

you do not belong here/ i have never been yours to take/
you are so strange verging/ on the kind of strange i'd love/
to wake up to this/ maybe is maddening

you should leave now/ i am waiting for a greater force to
move me and/ i know that i am not the greater force
in you

let's leave the quite possible and/ revel in what could have
been that/ is greatness in itself

wait for/ me if/ you can