30 March, 2011


When he first saw her, she was beautiful, the kind of beautiful you never want to forget. She was the kind of beautiful people kept in bright gold cages or framed on top of fireplaces, and from time to time when life was hard, they would stop and admire that beauty. She was much too pretty for someone like him, but he tried anyway.

Their first few weeks together were lovely and awkward and spontaneous, but none were boring. They climbed trees and played hide and seek in the rain, in parking lots, in department stores. They stole candy and walked around with their underwear on the outside. Who knew such a beautiful thing could be so clumsy. They drove into the stars with their hearts on their lips as they kissed.

There was so much of each other to go around, to touch and taste and smell and keep. So much of each other to see and feel and never forget, to keep in cages and frame on top of fireplaces. They held each other so tightly, they almost broke. They often forgot how delicate they really were and would crush each other in gazes and embraces.

And then one day she left, without notice or warning. She stopped coming to the trees or smiling when it rained. She stopped eating candy and always wore coats over her clothes. He didn't give up though. He kept coming to the trees, and waited outside her house when it rained and sent her candy in the mail. After a lot of leaves and a lot of rain, he stopped too.

And it was a long time before he felt warm again, because all he could think about was her, lovely glowing beautiful her. Of course, she was still beautiful, but it was the kind of beautiful most people didn't want to meet. She was cold and distant and silent. She was the kind of beautiful people kept in museums, to look at when they wanted to know all that was in the world.

There only thing he could do was wait and hope the winter thawed out and her smile would come back with the spring, that their heat would roll in with the summer, and that fall would never come again.


I'm sorry. This isn't one of my best but I have no where to put it. Forgive me for I have posted.