23 April, 2013

19: For A Friend

personal ads. 

young unattractive male with miraculous GPA and near complete bankruptcy seeks modelesque young female with good morals and generous spirit; must be straight, must be fun, must be attractive. 

blaze it up blaze blaze hit hit blaze seeks rich mate with tons of money willing to cuddle when it's cold, take pictures at Coachella, make hot cocoa and cold cocoa and love in the back of a Porsche  must be immaculately good-looking, must be adorable, must be rich as fuck

boy so dorky if he were in the 80's he'd have been bullied into hiding in his mother's basement seeks lady-like female who is capable of extreme make-overs, high levels of tolerance for childlike behavior, and unintentional moments overlooking picturesque views on new year's; must be real. 

he loves cats, you love cats; qurl get wit this. 1-800-BOOTY